18: Raising Money-Smart Kids: Teaching Financial Literacy with Jeorgia Brown

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m joined by Jeorgia Brown, the founder of Cash Savvy Kids, a virtual program that teaches financial literacy, investing, and entrepreneurship to kids.


She offers live classes and a virtual reality experience that kids can use to learn money concepts! Financial literacy doesn't have to be boring or dry…and Cash Savvy Kids makes sure our children can learn while having fun.


Take advantage of a special discount on your next class by visiting CashSavvyKids.com/ourway! Teaching our kids about financial literacy is truly an investment in their future.


Learn more about Cash Savvy Kids 





Does this sound like you? ➡️ You’re interested in starting homeschool soon (or maybe you’ve just started recently), but you need a guide to walk you through how to get out of the gate successfully. 


If that’s you, then I can help! I’m creating a course to help you start your homeschool journey with clarity and confidence in 10 days or less, and I’ll be taking a few folks alongside me for a more hands-on learning approach. So if you’d like to be in that group, click the link above to learn more! 



Resources from Elan:

Determine Your Child’s Learning Style | Learning Style Quiz

Get Your Free Guide: 5 Key Steps to Start Your Homeschool Journey 

Connect on Instagram | Homeschool Our Way



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