08: 3 FREE Education Resources that Every Homeschooling Parent Should Know About, with Shenique Rasheed

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m joined by Shenique Rasheed of KERA, the local North Texas PBS affiliate station. She’s one of their rockstar Education Coordinators, and she’s sharing some exciting FREE resources that every homeschooling parent should know about! Be sure to check them out below!

(*Note: KERA is the North Texas PBS station, but don’t worry: when you go to the PBS website, it will ask for your zip code so that you can be connected with your local station!)

  • PBS Learning Media | ages 2-18
    • Learning resources and lesson plans that align with your local state standards
  • PBS Kids for Parents | ages 2-8
    • Interactive learning resources and hands-on experiences that support learning for young children.
  • KERA Summer Learning Challenge | ages 2-8
    • Fun, interactive blueprint that includes PBS characters, activities, Camp TV episodes, and events to keep your kids curious and engaged throughout the summer months.
  • KERA Kids Learn Facebook Page (yes, you can join, even if you’re not in Texas!)
    • Learn and share with other parents and educators! 


Connect with Shenique on LinkedIn!


Resources from Elan:

Determine Your Child’s Learning Style | Learning Style Quiz

Get your free guide: 5 Key Steps to Start Your Homeschool Journey 

Connect on Instagram | Homeschool Our Way


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